individual Plan
Family Plan 
One Person
Up 8 Persons
The Modern-Day Healthcare
The combination of healthcare rising costs at alarming rates and the sagging economy that’s producing more lay-offs, company downsizing and forced early retirements, has led to more and more Americans becoming either completely responsible for the cost of healthcare, or having to share a greater portion of the burden. Hence, the evolving of an ominous trend; where less and less people are visiting their doctor on a regular basis. The delay of seeing a doctor can cause their condition to deteriorate to the point where they need hospital emergency care. Many of them under the circumstances end up not paying for their medical bills, because they cannot afford the premiums. This is not only very costly for the hospital but takes a severe toll on the patient's well being and financial stability. A problem our nation has been facing for years.

The Solution
The average person goes to the doctor about twice a year, and that is why American Vision Health Plus, employs its power of "Wholesale Buying" to negotiated attractive price agreements with providers; and the corresponding savings are passed on to the members. The American Vision Health Plus cardholder can handle their household's healthcare for up to eight family members at a manageable cost, as needed. And even more, they can maintain control of their healthcare without interference from a third party.

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